Hello, and welcome to my blog! My name is Ivan, an avid reader from Texas. This is Ivan's Insights, my book blog. It started out as a site where I could showcase my professional skills for my job search. I posted book reviews from the beginning, though I didn't turn Ivan's Insights into a serious book blog until 2022. Since then, my blog has been exclusively focused on reviews and other book-related posts.

Obviously, my favorite pastime is reading novels. I read most books in English, though I also get novels in French when I can find them. They're not easy to find where I live in the U.S. My favorite genres are mystery, sci-fi, fantasy, and romance. I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter series, but I have other favorite books. I use The StoryGraph to keep track of every book in my collection.

Ivan's Insights is my means to connect with the world. Through it I want to share my enthusiasm for reading. Social networks aren't quite suited for that, so I decided to launch this blog. I'm a casual book reviewer; I write reviews for most of the books that I read for pleasure. This means I don't take review requests. I will post new book reviews every week, on Wednesday mornings. Rest assured, I do not reveal spoilers.


My Hogwarts House is Ravenclaw (it was the one that most caught my attention when I discovered Harry Potter). I consider myself intelligent, creative, and a bit of an old soul.
My favorite car brands are Porsche, Acura, and Tesla. I like reliable small cars with great fuel economy (or an electric motor) and plenty of tech features.
My favorite Pokémon types are Steel and Flying.

You can also find me on Twitter here: @iinsightsbooks