Title: Point of No Return
Author: Tiffany Snow
Genre: Romantic suspense
Published on: May 20, 2014 by Montlake Romance

Kathleen Turner wasn't expecting to fall in love when she came to Indianapolis a year ago, much less with two very different men. And not just any men. Brothers.

Blane Kirk, former SEAL turned attorney, is every woman’s dream man. A playboy who changes women as often as he changes his tie, trying to hold on to Blane could only break Kathleen's heart.

Commitment is a foreign word to Kade Dennon, assassin-for-hire and genius hacker, and safety is non-existent. A future with Kade would surely end in disaster—for both of them.

Past betrayals come to a head and the choice Kathleen makes could sign her death warrant. Everything’s at stake as Blane, Kade, and Kathleen reach the Point of No Return.  

Finally, the last book in the Kathleen Turner series is here. The previous one ended with a sort of edge-of-your-seat moment. Kade did something to save his brother, Blane, and it didn’t end too well. Fortunately, everyone is safe…for now. Kathleen’s been spending so much time with Kade now. She’s made her choice almost clear: Kade is the man she is in love with. Because of this, Blane’s been a little cold toward her. He’s not happy about losing Kathleen yet again. Whether they’ll get along ever again is a big question.

Kathleen is still reluctant to come between Blane and Kade. She feels she can’t be part of their lives without keeping them driven apart. When something unexpected happens, Kade chooses to stay with Kathleen no matter what. He is determined to change his life for her. Kathleen is joyful over this, and it seems like they’re finally getting their HEA. Of course, things can never be easy. For reasons unknown, Kade and Kathleen are driven apart yet again. And this time, it seems like it’s permanent. This leads a disillusioned Kathleen to flee to her hometown. The only person she lets know about her location is Alisha, Kathleen’s new friend and next-door neighbor.

It wouldn't make sense for Kathleen to stay isolated for the rest of the book. As expected, Point of No Return eventually brings Kade back into her life. How will Kathleen react to this? Kade didn't return by accident, though. His feelings for Kathleen aside, he tracked her down again to protect her. Kathleen is in danger once again. This time, she and Kade will face their most powerful adversary yet. And he may have a connection to one of them.

To come out on top, Kade, Kathleen, and Blane must outsmart their enemy. Fists and bullets won’t help much against this one. To aid them, Kade enlists a few of his friends. They’re back at last since their previous appearance all the way back in the first book. To add a little more trouble, Kathleen finds a new love rival in one of Kade’s closest friends. She doesn’t seem much of a threat. Despite that, there could still be a love triangle even this close to the end of the series.

Point of No Return seems to take a shorter time than the previous two books. One of the new aspects is that Kade now gets a few POV chapters (Kathleen narrates almost the whole series). This lets the reader into the head of one of the most enigmatic characters in the series. He’s a dark man, but at the same time there’s still goodness and morality inside him. Although Kade thinks he’s a lost soul, Kathleen believes he isn’t damned. She is very loyal to those she loves, and doesn’t give up on them. This may be just what Kade needs to finally come to peace with himself.

The first time I read the series, I was a little bummed and shocked that Kade won the girl. I remembered all the things Kathleen and Blane went through in book one. Because of them, I couldn’t believe they just forgot those moments, especially the Christmas tree shopping night. Blane is an insecure man, though. Despite Kathleen’s best efforts, she was unable to save their relationship. Eventually, Kathleen comes to realize that her true love is Kade. They’re the most unlikely of lovers, but I think that’s what makes them stand out.

I really enjoyed the Kathleen Turner series. It’s become one of my favorites. There’s quite a bit of romance, but more than enough action to satisfy male readers. The main draw for me was Kathleen. She’s a great character, and her story arc is considerably rich. Kathleen changes a lot throughout the five books. It isn’t a piece of cake to do that just right. Also, the ebooks are properly formatted (I read them on Kindle). There aren’t any errors, editing mistakes, or plot holes. All in all, this was a marvelous series. These books will most likely be among those I’d want to re-read.

My rating: ★★★★ 1/2
4.5 stars - A fantastic page-turner!

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