Hello! It’s been a little while since I write a status update. Given that it’s a new year now, I thought this was due. As you may have noticed, I’ve given this blog a fresh coat of paint. In my opinion, Ivan’s Insights has never looked better. The color scheme is slightly altered, and every font was changed for improved readability. This is a text-heavy blog, so that was a must. I also redesigned the header. It better reflects what Ivan’s Insights is all about. That image is part of my real bookshelf. I did arrange my favorite novels so they’d show prominently.

The changes aren’t simply aesthetic. For instance, the sidebar has different functions now. I’ve permanently switched from Goodreads to The StoryGraph, so I removed the Goodreads widget. In its place I’m adding a makeshift Currently Reading widget for TS. I’ll have to manually change it, but that’s very little hassle. I’m also exclusively focusing on book-related posts now. I’ve hesitated to call Ivan’s Insights a book blog, partly because I wasn’t sure it qualified as such. Pretty much every book blogger I’ve come across only reads novels released in the current year. If I limited myself to that, I wouldn’t read as many books as I do now. And I post reviews in all of my favorite genres, not just one or two. I don't read very many genres, though.

I think I do qualify as a book blogger after all. I will continue posting reviews every week, on Wednesday mornings. They’ll all be written reviews; I don’t have the desire or ability to start a YouTube channel or even an Instagram account. I am considering a new kind of post, though: book discussion posts. In contrast to book reviews, discussion posts would have spoilers. My book reviews are a little long, but I don’t reveal spoilers (especially not huge ones) in them. I’ve had ideas in my head about discussion posts ever since I read a few certain books. I would like to write about some things that happened in them, and my opinion.

It’s hard to believe two years have passed since I launched Ivan’s Insights. My blog has come far in that time. I may not have tons of readers, but that’s okay. I’ve written too many book reviews to let them gather digital dust somewhere in my hard drive. I like having a place where I can share them with the world. I’ll keep posting reviews as long as I keep reading. I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon, so Ivan’s Insights will stay updated for a long while. Stay tuned this month in case I do write a discussion post. If they do happen, I’ll post them on Wednesdays alongside book reviews. If not, I might try Fridays. We’ll see how it goes. Au revoir!

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