Good morning! It's been a little over a week since 2023 began. This means I'm back with more bookish posts. I took a hiatus these holidays to not only redesign Ivan's Insights, but also to fix a little mishap. That's all sorted out for the most part. There are a few non-book-related posts I didn't take the time to fix. This is the second year that Ivan's Insights will be exclusively a book blog. As usual, I will publish new book reviews every Wednesday morning.

This year, the only thing that's changing about Ivan's Insights is the design. I feel this look is quite more modern than the previous one. And it looks great as well, as it usually happens with this kind of stuff. I have a good eye for design, so I like it when websites/programs/apps get a flashier new look. I wonder for how many years I'll be able to touch up Ivan's Insights, though. Blogger is seriously lacking in good-looking blog themes. Maybe I'll have to migrate to Wordpress or something down the line.

That is all for today. As I said, there will be no major changes to my blog this year. I considered posting some book reviews in French, considering I'm fluent in the language. In the end, I decided not to. That's hardly a must have, and I strongly doubt I've had even one French-speaking visitor to this blog. My primary target audience is the U.S., where I am, after all. I do get a steady flow of visitors at least, but not as many as I'd wish for considering how long Ivan's Insights has been active. I hope this year that might change. If you're a regular visitor, I thank you for choosing to read my book reviews. I don't see myself stopping from reading books anytime soon, so the reviews will keep coming. Have a great day!


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