Title: For The Record
Author: K.A. Linde
Genre: Romance
Published on: November 18, 2014 by Montlake Romance

With Congressman Brady Maxwell up for reelection and journalist Liz Dougherty about to graduate into a promising career, the ambitious couple’s future is brighter than ever. They share a passion for their work…and for each other. But when Brady holds a press conference to officially introduce Liz as his girlfriend, reporters hungry for a scandal bombard her. Now, her every move is under a vicious magnifying glass, and her life feels like it’s falling apart.

On the road to reelection, the passionate bond between the congressman and the journalist gets tested at every stop. Threatened by shameless media sensationalism and jealous exes, Brady and Liz now have to learn to trust each other despite what they read in the papers.

In the finale to USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde’s sexy Record trilogy, Liz and Brady may be setting off fireworks along the campaign trail, but can their love transcend politics as usual?

The controversial romance between Liz Dougherty and Brady Maxwell is back in this final entry of the Record trilogy. For the Record starts at the heels of a crucial revelation at the end of the previous book. After someone outs them to the press, Brady and Liz confirm that they’re an item. This is a risky move, as they're not your average couple. Liz is an aspiring political reporter, and Brady is a big-name politician. Now that people know they're dating, their careers could be at stake. In book one, Brady made clear to Liz that he'd pick his career over her no matter what. Little did they know they'd fall in love.

As you could expect, things don’t go smoothly. Liz recently ended a relationship with her former crush and ex-boss Hayden Lane. They’d met while working for the newspaper at UNC Chapel Hill. Hayden royally screwed up with Liz after making a misguided decision. The media find out about this and accuse Brady of breaking Hayden and Liz up. The latter also faces backlash that makes her see reporters in a new light. 

Liz seems to be the one who’s most affected by her relationship with Brady. Her career, personal life, and relationships are all affected. Liz has to reconsider her goals for the future after getting some bad news. Brady’s press manager, Heather, also doesn’t approve of Liz. She’s opposed their relationship from day one. Heather’s biggest desire is to see Brady win the election. She sees Liz as a potential obstacle. Liz tries to get in Heather’s good books, but it seems like an uphill battle. 

A character introduced in On the Record has a larger role. She’s Savannah Maxwell, Brady’s younger sister. Like Liz, she aspires to become a print reporter. Savannah works at the UNC paper as well. She and Liz are great friends now. Despite all the backlash Liz is facing, Savannah is there to support her. Savannah also has a romance subplot. She had one in the previous book, but in this one she meets someone new. This creates a love triangle, as Savannah still has feelings for her old flame. 

The Record trilogy doesn’t really have main antagonists, though there’s still a lot of conflict. Brady and Liz’s romance creates a lot of it. There’s also a minor antagonist who first appeared in the first book. She’s Calleigh Hollingsworth. Calleigh is as conceited as her name is cool-sounding. She's a reporter, though unlike Liz she has no scruples. Calleigh also has strong elitist views. In this book, she cooks up a plan to bring down Brady and Liz. This is no love triangle—Calleigh doesn’t want Brady for herself. She only wants to make Liz pay for a perceived wrong.

For the Record was a satisfying conclusion to this romance trilogy. Liz and Brady grow on you over the first two books. By the time you finish the series you're rooting for them. I looked forward to see if Liz and Brady would end up together. The supporting characters were also interesting. I found Savannah and Victoria particularly compelling. The author fleshed out their stories well over the course of this trilogy. To sum it up, the Record series was fun and entertaining. I really enjoyed reading it.

My rating: ★★★★ 1/2
4.5 stars - A fantastic page-turner!

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