Title: Set Me Free
Author: Melissa Pearl
Genre: Romance, mystery
Published on: May 3, 2014 by Evatopia Press (first edition)

It’s time for Lucy to stop running…and fight back.

Lucy Tate has spent the last five years on the run. That is, until she met Zach, the one guy she couldn’t bear to leave even though it could cost both of them their lives.

Hunted by a crooked FBI agent who killed her parents, Lucy has taken on one disguise after the next. But Zach knows exactly who she is and in spite of mounting evidence indicating her guilt in her parents’ deaths, he knows she’s innocent.

Convinced that it’s time to put her years on the run behind her, Zach and Lucy vow to fight back, clear her name, and take down the real killer. 

With support from Zach’s loyal friends and his uncle, an investigative reporter, they set out on a dangerous mission hoping that the truth...will set them free.

Set Me Free is the final book in the Fugitive Series—simmering duet novels packed with intrigue and suspense. If you like high-adrenaline page-turners, tenacious characters and a love that will ultimately win, then these Fugitive novels are perfect for you.

Lucy Tate’s story ends in this second and final book of the A Fugitive duology. The protagonist is a teenager who’s lived on the run for five years. A corrupt officer of the law murdered Lucy's parents. He found out they had incriminating info on him. This man has not forgotten about the girl who slipped away. He’s almost caught Lucy twice, killing some friends who took her under their wing. This made Lucy even more afraid.

Set Me Free starts right after the previous book ended. Zach Schultz, Lucy's boyfriend, enlisted his uncle Alex's help to stop Lucy's parents' murderer. Elliott, the most suspicious and protective of Zach's friends, also knows what's going on. Lucy is still reluctant to let anyone else know about her situation. She doesn't want to get Zach and his friends killed. Lucy's already gone through the trauma of a friend dying in her arms.

While going through the Tate murder case files, Lucy and Zach make a shocking discovery. The man who’s been after Lucy for five years is not the average cop she assumed he was. The man is none other than Special Agent William Tenner of the FBI. And not just that; Tenner’s in charge of the San Francisco branch of the agency. The news spooks Lucy even more, but Zach convinces her to hold on.

There’s also conflict with Zach’s friends. Lucy’s secrecy is driving a big wedge between Zach and most of his group. They’ve known each other for years. Zach’s friends can’t believe he’s putting some girl before them. Will the relationship between Zach and his great friends be permanently damaged? It remains to be seen. They’re incredibly faithful, but everyone has their breaking point.

With Alex’s and Elliot’s help, Zach and Lucy devise a plan to stop Tenner. They conclude that the best way to take Tenner down is with hard evidence. Obtaining it is going to be another story. Zach’s still not giving up. He won’t rest until Lucy can be free. The closer one gets to the ending, the more suspenseful Set Me Free becomes. Lucy Tate is a girl you can’t help but root for. She’s had such a difficult life because of an ambitious, corrupt man. Lucy isn’t a coward, but you can’t fault her for being skittish. Luckily, Lucy has people willing to fight for her. This was a satisfying conclusion to the A Fugitive duology. I highly recommend it to fans of YA suspense and romance.

My rating: ★★★★
4 stars - Definitely enjoyed it!

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