Title: The Girl In the Back Row
Author: Judith Berens
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Author: Judith Berens
Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult
Published on: June 4, 2019 by LMBPN Publishing
High school means classes, making friends, hanging out, cutting classes… and keeping your fangs to yourself. Watch out world, this teen’s bite is worse than her bark.
Welcome to public school Vampire teen. Keep an eye out for the ones who would rather put you back in a box, but this time forever.
Vicki is getting a crash course in teenage life, if she can just keep her true nature hidden.
Her new dad is still dealing with the loss of his wife and finding a new job. Now he’s got a 400-year-old teenager who can push over a car. Good luck setting a curfew.
Fortunately, she wants to make new friends more than mayhem. Too bad others aren’t going to make that so easy.
There’s a dark force looking for the last vampire, and all those paranormal powers are going to come in handy to keep herself and her new little family safe.
But how do you master your inner vampire when there’s no one left to teach you and suburbia just isn’t ready to find out, not everybody who gets put in a box stays there?
Can Vicki blend in and be a typical teenage girl? Will she be able fight the urge to use her smarts and speed?
Join Craig, Alexis and Vicki on the next part of their adventure, as they adjust to living with each other and keeping Vicki’s true nature a secret.
Welcome to public school Vampire teen. Keep an eye out for the ones who would rather put you back in a box, but this time forever.
Vicki is getting a crash course in teenage life, if she can just keep her true nature hidden.
Her new dad is still dealing with the loss of his wife and finding a new job. Now he’s got a 400-year-old teenager who can push over a car. Good luck setting a curfew.
Fortunately, she wants to make new friends more than mayhem. Too bad others aren’t going to make that so easy.
There’s a dark force looking for the last vampire, and all those paranormal powers are going to come in handy to keep herself and her new little family safe.
But how do you master your inner vampire when there’s no one left to teach you and suburbia just isn’t ready to find out, not everybody who gets put in a box stays there?
Can Vicki blend in and be a typical teenage girl? Will she be able fight the urge to use her smarts and speed?
Join Craig, Alexis and Vicki on the next part of their adventure, as they adjust to living with each other and keeping Vicki’s true nature a secret.
After reading The Girl Behind the Wall, I thought it was good enough to continue the series. It was a bit of a short read, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t entertaining. This sequel continues the story of Victoria Brommer. She’s a fourteen-year-old vampire who was in a deep sleep for 400 years. Victoria’s parents hid her in their castle in Austria to protect her from an evil group. Four centuries later, Craig and his daughter Alexis stumbled upon Victoria. They realized what she was right away. It took a few weeks for Craig and Alexis to warm up to Victoria. The two bring her back to the United States with them.
For safety reasons, Victoria now goes by Vickie Hewitt. Craig managed to enroll her at Clear Lake, the same private high school Alexis goes to. It wasn’t hard for Vickie to pass the entrance tests. Vampires in this series can learn stuff extremely fast. Vickie also doesn’t drink blood; her diet is just like a human’s. There does exist a vampire race that sucks blood, called Sanguinaries. It appears there are none left, though. Vickie is perhaps the only survivor of a crusade that claimed her parents’ lives. The evil group, known as the Slayer Circle, sought to eradicate all vampires. They are confident their mission was accomplished…for now.