Title: The Valiant
Author: Cheyanne Young
Genre: Science Fiction, Young Adult
Published on: August 1, 2014 (first edition); February 8, 2022 by Quinnova Press (latest edition)
Even though I really liked City of Legends when I first read it in 2015, I didn’t continue with the series. I’m not sure why, but one element I was a bit “meh” about was the mechanics of the characters’ superpowers. In this series, the main characters are Supers. But instead of having different powers, they all have the same: super strength, speed, healing, and enhanced senses. All that sets them apart is that not all Supers have the same power levels. What gives them these abilities is an extra set of silver “power veins”. The power that flows through them seems to be metallic, because Supers are vulnerable to certain kinds of magnetic attacks and weapons.
The main protagonist of this story is Maci Knight, an 18-year-old Super. She’s also the daughter of the Super community’s President. Maci recently became a probationary member of the Hero Brigade, something she’s desired all her life. The Elders granted her this status after she helped defeat a villain. In the process, though, Maci lost the power in her right arm. She tried to save her father from the depowering machine, but almost got sucked in herself. Maci’s twin Nova, whom she believed dead, saved her. President Knight wasn’t so lucky. The depowering process is excruciating, so it’s almost lucky that he’s alive.
The story continues with a big complication. Nova had to go on the run because the Super community believe her to be a villain. She was in league with the villain who almost killed President Knight. This woman stole Nova when she was a baby and raised her as a weapon to use against the other Supers. Nova switched allegiances after Maci refused to kill her. Now she’s on the run, and the entire Hero Brigade is looking for her. The Super elders have even ordered that Nova be killed on sight. Because of this, Maci wants to find her before anyone else does. She wants to give Nova the chance that other Supers don’t seem to want to give her.
After some time waiting with high anticipation, Maci gets her first Hero mission. It’s rather low-tier, but she’s still thrilled. Maci is eager to prove herself to the elders so they make her a full-blown Hero. But the mission turns out to be much different from what Maci expected. The humans Maci was supposed to easily subdue and hand to the regular police prove to be strong enough to take her on. There’s something behind the clandestine fight clubs that have popped up recently. Maci will have to work alongside her fellow Supers to get to the bottom of what’s going on.
Maci's boyfriend, Evan Letta, has a bigger role in this book. He used to be a tech inventor at Research, an isolated Super facility. Evan's boss, named Felix, went villain during the events of City of Legends. Following several rounds of questioning, Evan is now the number one guy at Research. He proves to be a big help in uncovering the mystery of the abnormally strong humans. Once Nova is found, she becomes an equally strong ally for Maci. Although Nova was raised by villains, she's chosen to be a Hero. I was still cautious of her, though. If you remember, twins are rare in the Super community. And when they emerge, one always turns villain. Whether Nova will remain one of the good guys is one of the minor mysteries in this book.
Something that stands out more in The Valiant is Maci's investigative skills. As you read through the story, you find that Supers don't just get missions, then go out and beat up bad guys. Some missions drag on, such as Maci's current one. She has to learn why the humans at the fight clubs are so impossibly strong. Nova could be an asset, considering she spent most of her life in the villain underground. She knows things that may help Maci get the answers she needs. Evan is also helpful in this regard. As soon as Maci is able to obtain a key piece of evidence, she has Evan analyze it. This sheds a lot of light on what's going on and who's behind the fight club scheme.
With the main villain from City of Legends dead, another one had to step up in their stead. And like his predecessor, Felix doesn't disappoint. He could be even more trouble for Maci and her friends, considering his intelligence. Felix is pretty much like Maci and Evan put together: a fully trained Super plus highly gifted inventor. It is the former that gives him a particular edge. Despite how Felix is a good antagonist, not every reader might agree with me. I can see how Felix might come off like a blind lieutenant, fighting for his fallen leader's cause without having as much personal involvement. This wasn't a big flaw for The Valiant, though. I enjoyed reading it more than the first book. It also gives slightly bigger roles to Maci's fellow Hero Brigade members. They all feel different despite having a mostly identical power set. Not all superhero fiction books have to have Supers with varying powers, though. The Valiant is an excellent read as it is. I strongly recommend it.
My rating: ★★★★
4 stars - Definitely enjoyed it!
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